Have been spending a relaxed weekend in Hanko, a town an hour or so outside Helsinki where many people have summer homes. Although it's getting a bit late in the year, the Finnish summer was apparently unusually hot so it's still relatively warm.
Went out yesterday with Eero & Jenni on Eero's motorboat, towing an innertube behind us. My memory of this from last year involved choppy waters, hanging onto the tube for dear life as it swept in a wide arc when the boat turned, and getting thrown off after hitting waves which tossed the tube a few feet in the air. Great fun. This year we went on a day without much wind so the ride was smoother. The water was also colder, but it was worth braving it.
Congrats on getting into the Finnish water! The temperature dropped a tad below 30C here yesterday and we already are thinking that it is too cold to swim. However, had a great rainstorm yesterday (Saturday) and went running in it with two companions. We battled our way up Raj Path against wind, while being "lashed" by rain which, as you know, the rain here does particularly well. Your room, too, got lashed during the week when we left the windows open (to get any draft through to our room) and it poured during the night. But no harm done, just a wet window frame and floor. In the middle of the night a bolt of lightning must have struck the square outside as there was a simultaneous flash and tremendous crack. Almost threw us out of bed! A real monsoon at last. Say hello to Eero from us. Ool, D.
I know this is fogey talk, but lately a number of serious accidents (broken necks) have been reported when tubers and rafters are towed and then thrown from behind speed boats. I just want you to be able to see some more fantastic scenery and send out some more fabulous photos. And, we have monsoons also! Best wishes, Charlie
Hola Nigel,
Working late hours at GOOG and thought I'd check your blog. Needless to say, I'm uber jealous of your trip. Hope to see you back at the G'Plex soon.
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