Featured Story: Election

Friday, September 22, 2006

Arrived Safely in Quito

Got up at 5am in Germany, made my way through a long check-in line, two sets of security checks in Frankfurt, terrible airport organisation, and a cancelled flight in Miami. By 5am (German time) the following morning I was in Quito. Slept well.

My expectations upon arriving at the Quito airport, one part based on India, two parts based on ignorance - mess, dirt, crowds, noise, more dirt, cars honking horns, people everywhere. The reality, a normally functioning city, relatively clean, and a taxi ride more civilised than ones given by drivers in San Francisco (who seem to take special joy showing off the roller coaster nature of the roads). Given, it was nighttime so things may well be more hectic in the day, but it was different than I expected.

First day out and about and the altitude hasn´t made me feel at all sick, but I get short of breath very easily. Strange effect. That´s all for now!


Unknown said...

are you saying that the cab rides in SF weren't a blast? On the way back from Fluid I tipped my cab driver 100% of the fare because he did 65 on Octavia. SWEEEEEEEET!

colinjwarren said...

Glad to hear you have both arrived OK. That day I was going from Hyderabad to Bombay. M and I are both now back in Delhi, thinking of going out of town next weekend as Monday is a holiday. Sadly M won't be going to Bolpur with OpSmile as they have someone else to do imaging :-( Hope you enjoy Quito - I've never been to Ecuador. Your comments on the effects of 3,000 m have me worried about Sikkim! D.

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Nigel said...

are you saying that the cab rides in SF weren't a blast?

Actually I miss them. "Civil" isn't always better...