Featured Story: Election

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Lunch in Translation

Ate lunch at a restaurant which had helpfully provided English translations of each item on the menu. Included were such delicacies as:

* Chop with potato
* Noodle with meat
* Broth of leg
* Wadding

Anne was adventurous and chose the last option, which turned out to be cow stomach. Nice and chewy. Maybe it´s a real term I´m not familiar with, due to the lack of cow stomach in the restaurants I usually go to. In any case, bring on the Spanish lessons!


Anonymous said...

It could have been worse -- she could have been served pieces to a gun.

Or even a person!


colinjwarren said...

I'll suggest "wadding" as a menu item in Karim's here, although this would probably take the form of plastic bags from a cow's stomach...

Anonymous said...

Oh, you English (and Scots) are so condescending. Mondongo is a delight of the Spanish speaking world! Nevertheless, those little bumps on the stomach lining are a bit hard to take. Charlie W.

Anonymous said...

Colin, for a moment I thought we were in the same time zone!

colinjwarren said...

Only 12 hours apart! I remember having "tripas" in a little basement Peruvian restaurant on I St. between 19th and 20th. The dish was light green. I only had it once ....

Anonymous said...

Hi, Nigel. Pam just forwarded this info - so fun to follow your travels. I swear, I live vicariously through your family. Please include me in your updates, as it makes me feel worldly, although I am pretty much always home with my two little girls now.

Happy trails and safe travels, Kerry