It's Quiet Round Here, Isn't It...
Apologies for breaking the wonderful silence that has settled over this blog. I'm far from finished with my online life. In fact, about a month ago I hatched a cunning plan to launch an all new and improved blog. It's now running in a functional enough state that I'm ready to unveil it. Behold the new hotness!
It's not just one new blog, but 3-in-1. I plan to post photos weekly, music whenever I'm inspired by what I'm listening to, and blog posts... well, I'm not guaranteeing a return to my travel days, but I'll make the occasional post. Please update your bookmarks or your RSS subscriptions if you're using a newsreader. I will cease to update this blog and instead direct my attention to the new site. I'll be online more often, and hopefully in a more interesting way.